Explore Ivee


Crafted a high-performing landing page to launch a new IV therapy and preventative care service.

Case Study

Setting the Stage

Hone's acquisition of Ivee, the innovative IV therapy and preventative care startup, presented an exciting opportunity for growth. Our mission? To cultivate a high-performing landing page that would establish their online presence and attract a wave of new customers.

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Understanding the Needs, Building the Foundation

Just like tilling the soil before planting seeds, our journey began with a deep dive into user research and market analysis provided by our incredible CRO team. This data served as the foundation for meticulously mapping the user journey, pinpointing every touchpoint and potential hurdle that might stand between curious visitors and becoming lifelong Ivee advocates. We wanted to understand what information they craved, their potential hesitations about IV therapy, and the clear path that would guide them towards a healthier future.

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Crafting an Intuitive User Experience

Armed with these invaluable insights, we designed a landing page that wasn't just informative, but truly welcoming. Imagine a clean and intuitive layout – a user-friendly navigation system that effortlessly guided visitors towards their goals. Clear calls to action, like stepping stones, led them on a visual adventure that resonated perfectly with Ivee's target audience. The CRO team then wove their magic, crafting persuasive copy that addressed user concerns with warmth and clarity. They highlighted the transformative benefits of Ivee's services, ultimately inspiring visitors to take that empowering step towards a healthier tomorrow.

Witnessing the Growth: Impressive Results

Our user-centered approach proved to be fertile ground, yielding a bountiful harvest of success:

  • A 20% Reduction in CPA: Our marketing budget sang a sweeter tune, demonstrating an efficient use of resources right from the start.
  • A 49% Increase in CVR: The landing page's effectiveness in converting visitors into loyal Ivee customers was a clear and resounding success.
  • A 12% Improvement in ROAS: The overall campaign effectiveness soared, a testament to the power of putting the user experience first.

By prioritizing user experience and creating a data-driven landing page brimming with user-friendliness, we helped Ivee not just establish a strong online presence, but cultivate a thriving community of wellness warriors. It was a journey of growth for everyone involved, and the results were a testament to the power of user-centric design.

Featured Image

woman receivine at home iv treatment

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