Explore Ashlee Cruz


Built a modern portfolio website with easy content management for a Brooklyn-based artist.

Case Study

The task

A Brooklyn-based product photographer and multidisciplinary artist needed a modern portfolio website to showcase their work, attract potential clients and employers, and empower them with independent content management.

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The Solution

Through open communication and collaboration, a moodboard and design direction were developed that resonated with the client's unique aesthetic. I utilized Figma, Gulp JS, and Contentful CMS to build a visually stunning and user-friendly website with easy content management capabilities.

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The Result

The client expressed immense satisfaction with the website's modern aesthetic, ease of use, and its ability to effectively showcase their work. This project exemplifies the ability to collaborate effectively with clients, translate client needs into successful design solutions, and stay abreast of design trends and technologies. The timeless and user-friendly website delivers long-term value and client satisfaction.

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Featured Image

Photo of Ashlee Cruz

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